--- EVENTS: 29.03.2025 - SegFaultDragons Tech Treff [März 2025] | 25.04.2025 - Tullnerfelder Fruehlingsfieldday 2025 | 19.01.2038 - Testevent | Connection could not be established.

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Where: Flugplatz WELS (WMW) auf Karte anzeigen (PopUp)
Flugplatzstraße 1 4600 WELS

Organisation:Junior Wels Neu | Public


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Radio operator meeting on 24.03.2018

With radio flea market

FROM 18:00

Flugplatzstraße 1 AT-4600 Wels

## Airfield WELS ##

              CB / K37 PMR 6
Briefing about 27.375MHz & 446.06875MHz

Rejoice over numerous appearances

For questions, just let me know

At Frnwels@gmail.com

Registrations not required

Route Description :: Highway

Departure Wels Nord - center

first traffic light / grade off
second traffic light / grade off
third traffic light / grade off
fourth traffic light / grade off
Fifth traffic light / left
After ca.700m left a small road goes up
(Between a large field and a pair of trees)

Then it's just off until there is no more left then left & right And since you're there :)

anyone can take their used radio stuff with them & try to sell


until then Greetings Junior Wels

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